We are the change. There is a way.

Hello Fellow Travelers! Wow, what interesting times we find our selves in.

Do you know you have a choice about your outlook and outcome in life?

You do! You have an alternative!

It can become better simply by shifting a perspective. It can become better by changing a habit. It can become better by believing in something much greater than us and the possibility that we do not know all there is to know.

One big step I take (again and again) to make my life better and overcome internal and external challenges is to CHOOSE to have a positive point of view on the bigger scope of our world. 

You can find this perspective too. It may be glimpses at first and certainly today in 2023 there may be waterfalls of life blinding us at times, but you can find positive perspective and make a route back to it time after time. Optimism is excellent for survival of this Life.

One way to get going is to start investigating the truths of life and the groups of people around the world who have studied it since we can remember. You can find plenty of books and articles to learn from.  Comparative World Religion class started it for me many years ago. Then world travel really opened my eyes, heart, and mind. This Earth is an amazing planet full of beautiful people, miraculous civilizations, and abundant possibilities which we can all participate in!

I founded the company Alternative Life Guide LLC to create Art and Development which empowers positive Mind, Body, and Spirit in all areas of our lives. The calling of Alternative Life Guide LLC is to reconcile people and the planet so that together we create mutual wellbeing for all.

Art installations, project consultation services, building systems, home products, and published creative content will be offered to enhance our experience by engaging the vibrational universe around us.

Do you need a Sacred Space developed or Blessing Poem designed?

Perhaps I can help uplift Mind, Body, and Spirit in your life or in your business?

Please send me a message in the contact page! I am happy to connect, listen, consider your thoughts and needs, and engage a conversation about the subjects.

Have fun out there and enjoy the miracle!


View David’s Creative Portfolio Here