Join the Evolution!

Have you noticed the strange feeling that everyone has lately? …ome people say it is the way our society has developed and I would agree, but it is also due to something greater: evolution.

Have you noticed the strange feeling that everyone has lately?  The one that makes us hurry in our day, strain to get more done, try to be better, be more?  Some people say it is the way our society has developed and I would agree, but it is also due to something greater: Evolution.

Humans are evolving with this planet and are creating great strides in piecing together the puzzle we call life.  As physical beings on this planet we are growing and changing in many, mostly unseen, ways.  We often consider this a bad mood or perhaps indigestion.  It is evolution.  Evolution is not a painful thing if you realize it is happening and harness the power.  We have the opportunity to develop and grow into the beautiful people that all the holy people through antiquity have guided us to be.  The lessons of our foundations can be seen in new light given scientific confirmation of the energetic relationships which make up our daily life.

Come and grow with me.  The whole planet is going for the ride and we can all learn to evolve at our own pace, developing healthy self-care habits and enhancing our minds to be better at life in all areas.  The internet is full of self-help opportunities.  Search for what you need and watch videos, take classes, find new information and look at subjects which you have never studied.  I have changed my life for the better by doing so.  I love learning in general, but it is so easy these days!

Join me as I guide you into the world of opportunity, a world alternate to the hum-drum standards which persist from the 20th century.  The goal as human beings is to grow and help everyone around us grow.  Health, happiness, and a 21st century skillset are the keys to evolving into this alternative life.  I will show you the technology and the teachers that lead the way into the future.  This website will be a resource to find your next step on the evolutionary road.  I am excited to be your alternative life guide!

This is where I began last year.  Innocently surfing through self-development videos one day, I happened across an upstart online “university”.  Check out  Go to the upper right corner of the webpage and get started.   Your life will never be the same.

I particularly found a class by Vishin Lakhiani quite groundbreaking: “Introduction: Systems and Models”.  It is free!   I joined the Mindvalley Tribe after I found such excellent resources in their free offerings.  May this online education portal enhance your life for years to come.

More to come very soon.  Have a fantastic day out there in the evolution!

David the Guide

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